Friday, October 13, 2006

FO: Black Sea hat

Warning: bathroom photos ahead. Suspiciously cheerful emo bathroom photos ahead. Don't say I didn't warn you. It's been particularly dark & rainy lately, and I haven't had a chance to take a nice outdoors photo.

So! Black Sea!
Ahhh! It's Puck! Flee her fearful chipmunk cheeks!

Seriously, what a cool knit. Close up on the beads:
Neat, eh? Also, I swear on all that is holy, my eyes are NOT brown. Or green. These photos LIE. They are BLUE. Thank you. (There must be some yellow glow, because in real life I don't look like I have jaundice either.)

Pattern: Black Sea Hat, by Grumperina.
Yarn: Scheepjes Donna (50% wool, 50% microfibre), in colour 601 chocolate.
Yardage: Just under one ball, about 95-105 m.
Yarn Source: Stash, baby, stash! Originally bought from Yarn Forward (linked above).
Needles: Boye US 4 (3.5 mm) DPNs, Denise US 5 (3.75 mm) 16" circular

Knitting with beads is kind of like . . . well how can I explain it. Stringing the beads was very frustrating. It just goes on and on and on. I kept the beads in groups of 10 so they'd be easier to count. It got easier to push them down the string as I went on as I knew how much leeway to give. The only really annoying time was casting on.

Other than that, the knitting was delightful. Just enough changes to keep it interesting. It is so weird to knit a bead in - you have to experience it to get it. Very fun. I love the way the ribbing works with the waves. Grumperina is a total genius. Good thing, too, as my cousin has asked me to make her one!

I had only two concerns: yarn and size. I had less yardage, because the yarn was thicker - a DK rather than sport. So I used smaller needles than I normally would (I still could have gone a size smaller if I wanted a really firm fabric), and I made the small size. It fits just right, possibly stretching a slight bit larger than desired as I've been wearing it basically every day for the last two weeks.

You may have also noticed that I don't have the ruched top with the hole. This would be because I didn't want that, so I just didn't print off the top instructions. Well, it turns out mine are basically exactly the same, except my decreases don't swirl (note to self: left-leaning decreases need to keep decreasing to the left to swirl), and I did one more decrease so I didn't have a hole.

I'm pensive! Yay! And (sigh), my hair flips like that naturally.

Altogether, a rather fun knit. Considering how fast & loose I played with gauge, it fits rather well, and I love the colours. My only complaint is that it isn't warm enough for this wicked wind we've been having lately. Time to break out the alpaca!


At 1:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the hat. Beading!! Woohoo! Ain't you just the crafty one??!
Love y xoxoxox

At 9:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fabulous! I love the colors! The brown with those beads is just perfect!

At 10:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That hat is absolutely gorgeous, and I want to make one immediately. Off to Grumperina's to collec the pattern,. I already know I have stash yarn and beads to make this happen.


At 11:11 AM, Blogger Triona said...

The hat is great!

My hair flips like that naturally too (but only on one side). My last "fix" was to cut it all off.

At 2:06 AM, Blogger CraftyHobbit said...

You did a beautiful job, and hooray for brown and blue combo. I'm so making one of these now.

At 6:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Sarah: Mary-Ellen, Cindy and I were talking about you today, wondering if you knew that we've left YF and gone to Wool N Things on Youville in Orleans where Mary-Ellen now works. Have you been back for the Thursday sit n knit? A lot has happened since May. Some of us also meet on Tuesday afternoons at Cuppedia on Main Street. Love to see you again. And love the hat. D.


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